وظائف شاغرة في منظمة أكتد براتب يصل إلى 800 دينار


وظائف شاغرة في منظمة أكتد براتب يصل إلى 800 دينار

وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة أكتد برواتب جيدة
Finance Assistant: Simplifying Cash Management and Financial Control
In the realm of financial management, the role of a Finance Assistant stands as a crucial pillar in ensuring the seamless flow of funds, meticulous accounting, and maintaining a stronghold on financial controls. Operating within the Cash, Control, and Accountancy (CCA) sub-department of the Finance Department in Capital, the Finance Assistant plays a pivotal role in managing cash-related processes while coordinating closely with the Senior Finance Controller of the CCA unit.

Unveiling the Core Objectives
The Finance Assistant’s responsibilities encompass a spectrum of objectives that directly contribute to the financial health and operational efficiency of an organization. These objectives include:

1. Payments’ Validation of Procurement Scenarios
The Finance Assistant undertakes the critical task of meticulously validating payments related to procurement scenarios overseen by the capital. This validation process involves a comprehensive review of supporting documents, ensuring alignment with ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) thresholds and procedures. The Finance Assistant ensures that all payments adhere to project durations and liquidation guidelines.

2. Prudent Accountancy Practices
Recording financial transactions with utmost accuracy is a cornerstone of financial stability. The Finance Assistant is entrusted with recording the entries of all processed payments in the associated bank books. This meticulous recording is carried out in alignment with ACTED accountancy standards, ensuring seamless integration with the organization’s accounting software. By maintaining high precision in accounting codes and allocation, the Finance Assistant lays the foundation for a robust financial ecosystem.
3. Efficient Archiving Strategies
Effective archiving of financial records is not just a formality but a critical element of maintaining transparency and accountability. Within this realm, the Finance Assistant adds value by incorporating the payment voucher reference and date according to SAGA (System for Accounting and Financial Administration). Furthermore, the Finance Assistant ensures that payment vouchers are appropriately stamped as “PAID,” providing a visual indicator of the payment’s completion. These meticulous practices culminate in the submission of meticulously organized folders to the Finance Clerk for both scanning and physical archiving, fostering a comprehensive archiving strategy.

4. Facilitating Audits and Compliance
In the world of finance, audits and compliance requests are indispensable tools for ensuring financial integrity. The Finance Assistant’s role extends to validating samples requested by auditors and compliance teams across accounting records. This validation process serves as a preliminary checkpoint, ensuring that the financial data aligns with the auditors’ requirements. If corrections are necessitated, the Finance Assistant undertakes them with precision, ensuring that the organization’s financial records are compliant and accurate.

The Power of a Competent Finance Assistant
A proficient Finance Assistant operates as the driving force behind an organization’s financial stability and precision. With an acute eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to financial accuracy, a Finance Assistant not only executes tasks but elevates financial practices to a strategic level. By maintaining a harmonious synergy between payment validation, accounting precision, archival excellence, and audit readiness, the Finance Assistant ensures that financial processes function as a well-oiled machine.

In conclusion, the Finance Assistant is not just a role; it’s a guardian of financial prowess. The meticulous execution of tasks within the CCA unit serves as the bedrock upon which an organization’s financial reputation is built. With a Finance Assistant at the helm, an organization can confidently navigate the complexities of financial management while thriving in an era of heightened accountability.

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