اعلان فتح باب التوظيف للعمل لدى بنك الأردن في مجموعة واسعة من التخصصات


اعلان فتح باب التوظيف للعمل لدى بنك الأردن في مجموعة واسعة من التخصصات

عن هذه الوظيفة


Our goal is to offer excellent customer service by promoting and advertising the bank's various services and products, while also attracting new clients. We strive to respond to customer inquiries promptly and efficiently, ensuring that all transactions are completed to their satisfaction. Our priority is to meet our customers' needs and strengthen their relationship with the bank, ultimately increasing the sales rates of our services and products. This approach helps us achieve the overall objectives set for our branch.


  • The assistant greets customers and assists in fulfilling their banking needs with excellent service
  • The bank promotes its services and products by making direct sales and casual sales to attract new customers regularly. This is part of their business plan to achieve the branch's objectives and increase the sales share of their products.
  • Customers' telephone and oral inquiries are promptly handled, with solutions developed for any problems that arise during transaction implementation to ensure the timely completion of service.
  • Encourage customers to use ATMs and electronic channels. Explain the advantages and how to use them to achieve goals.
  • Provides all necessary services and accepts applications for new ones.
  • Receives requests for checkbooks and inputs them into the automated system.
  • Facilitate remittance transactions and ensure their successful execution on the automated system.
  • Review customers' applications for local guarantees and check that all necessary conditions and guarantees are in place. Also, make sure that everything is in line with our credit policies before issuing the guarantees or passing them on to the relevant departments. This is all done even if there is no business development center at the branch.
  • Receives safe deposit box customers and accompanies them to the safe designated to review their boxes in response to their requests.

Skills & Competencies:

University degree in the field of banking and finance, accounting, business administration, or any related discipline.
Work experience up to (3) years on the work of customer service or teller.
Full knowledge of the services and products offered by the bank and the approved programs.
Good knowledge of the policies and procedures governing work and their updates (internal and external).
Knowledge of using computers and dealing with different applied systems.
selling skills.
Ability to plan and organize.
The ability to deal with customer complaints and address them within the policy.
Ability to communicate (verbally) and deal with others (internal and external clients).

Sales Agent

عن هذه الوظيفة


Conduct a field visit to promote the bank's current and upcoming services and products, to capture a larger share in the market.


  • Visit customers in the field and sell the bank's services and products to customers according to the targeted sectors, aiming to increase the bank's sales of these products and increase the bank's market share thereof according to the required objectives that must be achieved.
  • Studying customers’ requests verifies the completeness of data, information, and documents, ensures their compliance with conditions and policies, and passes them on to the line manager.
  • Ensures that all details related to products, services, and automated channels provided by the bank are communicated to customers to raise the level of satisfaction.
  • Provides daily reports on achievement in selling services to existing customers and attracting new ones, and on the degree of customer satisfaction with the nature of the services provided by the bank and to the extent to which its products meet their desires.
  • Follow up on the completion of all requirements for the implementation of customer requests through the line manager to put them into practice.
  • Attracting new TMLs to the bank, study the company’s situation to give its employees bank offers for all the products and services provided by the bank.
  • Participate in contacting customers, inform them of the completion of their transactions, and provide them with any information or data required by customers to fulfill their requests and raise their level of satisfaction.

Skills & Competencies:

  1. University degree in management sciences or any related major.
  2. Practical training on the work of the job for a period of three months.
  3. Full knowledge of the banking market and the different market sectors.
  4. Knowledge of English.
  5. Knowledge of computer use and dealing with applicable systems.
  6. Full knowledge of the services and products offered by the bank.
  7. Direct and cross-selling skills.
  8. Ability to work as a team.
  9. The ability to negotiate and persuade.
  10. Work under pressure.

يمكن التقديم المباشر عن طريق الضغط على الصورة المعروضة أعلى الصفحة.

تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للحصول على آخر الوظائف أولًا بأول

لا تدع الفرصة تفوتك! انضم إلى مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بنا لتصلك آخر الوظائف مباشرة وبأولوية. في شركتنا، نسعى دائمًا لتقديم الفرص المهنية للباحثين عن عمل والمهتمين بالتطوير المهني.

تابعنا على:

 اضغظ هنا لمتابعتنا على التليجرام

اضغظ هنا لمتابعتنا على الفيس بوك

اضغظ هنا لمتابعتنا على لينكد ان

معنا، ستكون أول من يعلم بالفرص الوظيفية الحالية وسيتمكن من الاستفادة منها قبل الآخرين. انضم إلينا اليوم وكن جزءًا من مجتمعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي!

ملاحظة :

 الرجاء الانتباه عند التقديم لاي وظيفة فالوظائف الحقيقية لا يطلب اصحابها اي اموال مقابل التقديم واذا كانت الشركة المعلنة شركة استقدام برجاء التأكد من هويتها وسمعتها قبل دفع أي مبالغ أو عمولات والموقع غير مسؤول عن أي تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعنلة


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