اعلان توظيف فوري في الملكية الأردنية: وظائف برواتب تصل إلى 700 دينار - سجل الآن!
About the job
Aircraft mechanics are personnel authorized to carry out maintenance tasks on an aircraft to any standard specified in the aircraft maintenance data under the supervision of the certifying staff and notify aircraft supervisors of defects or mistakes requiring rectification to re-establish required maintenance standards. Key accountabilities comprise the following:
Assist the certifying staff during the performance of maintenance
Report to the certifying staff any present defect on the aircraft
Perform scheduled and unscheduled maintenance checks and aircraft servicing tasks.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration (repair or modification) that his supervisor (CS) is authorized to perform when the supervisor personally observes the work being done to the extent necessary to ensure that it is being done properly and when the supervisor is readily available in person for consultation.
Perform scheduled and unscheduled maintenance checks (i.e. inspections and checks) on an aircraft under the supervision of an authorized certifying staff
Carry out maintenance tasks to any standard specified in the maintenance data under the supervision of the aircraft certifying staff (aircraft supervisor)
Notify supervisors of defects or mistakes requiring rectification to re-establish required maintenance standards
Perform aircraft towing and pushback including ground to cockpit communication during these ground operations
Replenish (fuel system, hydraulic fluids, oil, gas, water, toilet sanitary fluid, rain repellant), scheduled servicing (cleaning, lubrication, drainage) and unscheduled servicing operations (aircraft protection, sampling for analysis and system line flushing) applicable to the aircraft
Handle Aircraft at arrival and at departure (i.e. placing cones, placing wheel chocks, external walk around and ground to cockpit communication)
Adhere to the safety precautions and warnings as directed by the aircraft/component/material manufacturer when being involved in aircraft maintenance and the organization’s safety policy in general while on duty
Use the proper tools during maintenance as prescribed in the instructions for continued airworthiness (TSM, AMM, SBs… etc.) and maintain the serviceability of tools in his/her possession
Control the tools in his/her custody during the performance of maintenance including location, quantity, content and serviceability prior to use
Draw from technical stores the required tools/materials/components required in the performance of maintenance as directed by the aircraft certifying staff (aircraft supervisor)
Return items used in the performance of maintenance including tools, equipment, components and materials to store in normal condition. If damaged during maintenance or found damaged, inform shift supervisor and store custodian immediately
Dispose expendable items in the designated areas In Accordance With (IAW) health and safety regulations wherever applicable
Obtain and use the applicable instructions for the “on-aircraft maintenance” necessary to ensure continued airworthiness of the aircraft (i.e. AMM, IPC, TSM, FIM… etc.)
Knowledge & Skills Required:
Comprehensive knowledge of relevant parts of operational requirements and procedures
Knowledge of quality systems
Knowledge of aviation legislation and Human Factors
Ability to read, write and communicate to an understandable level in English
CARC or EASA license (B1/B2) is a plus
Only candidates under consideration will be contacted.
AIrframe & Powerplant DIploma, Bachelor of Engineering or any related field
يمكن التقديم المباشر عن طريق الضغط على الصورة المعروضة أعلى الصفحة.
تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للحصول على آخر الوظائف أولًا بأول
لا تدع الفرصة تفوتك! انضم إلى مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بنا لتصلك آخر الوظائف مباشرة وبأولوية. في شركتنا، نسعى دائمًا لتقديم الفرص المهنية للباحثين عن عمل والمهتمين بالتطوير المهني.
تابعنا على:
اضغظ هنا لمتابعتنا على التليجرام
اضغظ هنا لمتابعتنا على الفيس بوك
اضغظ هنا لمتابعتنا على لينكد ان
معنا، ستكون أول من يعلم بالفرص الوظيفية الحالية وسيتمكن من الاستفادة منها قبل الآخرين. انضم إلينا اليوم وكن جزءًا من مجتمعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي!
ملاحظة :
الرجاء الانتباه عند التقديم لاي وظيفة فالوظائف الحقيقية لا يطلب اصحابها اي اموال مقابل التقديم واذا كانت الشركة المعلنة شركة استقدام برجاء التأكد من هويتها وسمعتها قبل دفع أي مبالغ أو عمولات والموقع غير مسؤول عن أي تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعنلة